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Succulent Displays
Beautify the vergeGolden yellow, lime green and orange fill a sunny corner in a coastal estate.Frilly Kalanchoe longiflora, white spires of Kalanchoe and spikey aloes leaves combine for an electric design. |
A Succulent VergeEasy-care and water-wise species are the best choice for a petrol station parking lot. |
A Neat, Succulent RockeryEdging an entrance road, a mix of common succulents creates a far-from common display. Aloe vanbalenii, Aloe arborescens, Aloe thraskii, Crassula multicava, Kleinia fulgens. |
Water-wise SupremeEven in the harshest drought, these succulents provide a spectacular show. Aloe vanbalenii, deep maroon Kalanchoe sexangularis, jade blue Curio aizoides, Crassual sarmentosa, and Kalanchoe thyrsiflora. |
Autumn SucculentsAutumn Succulents |
Succulent foliageAdd hot spice to a wintery succulent bed with maroon Kalanchoe sexangularis and sea-green Curio aizoides. |
Summer/ Autumn SucculentsCreamy-pink Crassula ovata flowers top their bright green leaves in soft contrast to the pink-greys of Aloe chabaudii. Maroon and blue-green leaves lift this display. |
Crassula and AloesA stunning arrangement of Aloe chabaudiis surrounded by a froth of russet, green and soft pink Crassula sarmentosa. |
Designing with leavesRemove the flowers, and leaf colour and form make this arrangement just as attractive. |
Kalanchoe and CotyledonDrooping peach umbels of Cotyledon orbiculata bring out the rich russets edging the Kalanchoe thyrsiflora leaves. Euphorbia grandicornis - very spiny leaves - is in the background. |
Lampranthus Fanta OrangeThe luminous pools of Fanta Orange Lampranthus combine with apple-green Cotyledon species. Want to know more? Read our article, Fabulous Fusion. |
Spectacular SucculentsOrange Lampranthus flowers enhance the red blush on Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, and the pencil line maroon on the Cotyledon leaves. |
Succulents for Narrow BedsNeat, compact forms prevent this arrangement from getting out of hand. |
A Townhouse Succulent DesignPainting with plant leaves. Mix and match pools of succulent colour and shape for a spectacular, water-wise, and low-maintenance design for small gardens. |
Strong Succulent colourA dry winter brings out the reds in a sea of succulents. |
Succulents at the Coast |
Succulent seasonCrassula alba curls around an Aloe vanbalenii. Rich colour is supplied by leaf colour as much as flower colour in this design. |
IMG_0132Scarlet flowering Crassula alba is the star attraction. |
Crassula capitella; White-floweringCrassula capitella flowers creamy white in autumn and winter, providing a much needed contrast to the brighter succulent flowers. |
Crassula and aloes for hot sunCrassula-sarmentosa-embraces-a-clutch-of-Aloe-chabaudii |
Soften rigid aloe formsFelicia amelloides softens the static form of this aloe and Cotyledon orbiculata behind it. |
Coastal Gardens - Winter AloesA dry winter brings out shades of red, copper, and orange in succulents leaves. When they combine with equally warm flower hues of orange, red, and yellow, the resulting display is spectacular. |
Urban HabitatsThis succulent island provides critical habitat and safe harbour for insects and other small creatures. Succulent designs work well in these environments. Here, Crassula sarmentosa and Kleinia fulgens colour an autumn season at the coast. |
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